06 August 2018 Indonesia
Tropenbos Indonesia represented by Dr. Edi Purwanto, Director, and Irene Koesoetjahjo, Communication Officer, participated in “Strategic Partnership Meeting” held at the Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta, on 23 July 2018. Various Indonesian CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) which are in partnership with Dutch organizations in several projects and alliances in Indonesia attended the meeting. Ferdinand Lahnstein, Minister Plenipotentiary/Charge d’affairs of the Embassy opened the meeting and Joost Nuijten, Deputy Head of Economic Affairs delivered a presentation on the new policy note issued by the Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
23 July 2018 Indonesia
The Governor of West Kalimantan issued a decree No. 718/2017 that stipulated Sungai Putri Peatland Forest – Gunung Tarak Protection Forest – Gunung Palung National Park as an Ecosystem Essential Areas (Kawasan Ekosistem Esensial/KEE) for orangutan corridor in Ketapang District. KEE is a protection area outside conservation areas, it is not aimed to change the existing utilization status of the land, but improving its management to maintain its conservation function. The issuance of the Governor decree means that orangutan ecological corridor in Gunung Tarak Sub-landscape has been part of West Kalimantan Province’s conservation areas and call for multi-stakeholders ‘supports. The initiative is the result of a unique collaboration between civil society, private sector and district government, where TBI has played important roles.
23 July 2018 Indonesia
A warm smile appeared in Elyani’s face when her hands held white oyster mushroom she had just collected from the mushroom farming incubator. That day, women group “Bedau Jaya” harvested their mushroom farming for the first time. The mushroom they had cultivated was part of facilitation done by Tropenbos Indonesia for the women group of Laman Satong village in the District of Ketapang , West Kalimantan.
23 July 2018 Indonesia
As a follow-up action agreed at the National Tenurial Conference on 26 October 2017 in Jakarta, Laman Satong Village, of which a large part is located in the State Forest, has been selected by National Government as target priority for TORA (land for agrarian reform).
18 July 2018 Indonesia
Protecting village area is important for villagers that they were very enthusiastically participate in Participatory Mapping (PM) facilitated by Tropenbos Indonesia. Result of the PM will have significant information that can be used to protect their areas from any threats, become a means to negotiate with investors who want to invest in the area, an input to local government in issuing policies related to spatial planning, and an important foundation in the formulation of land use planning for the villages.
27 July 2016 Indonesia
In 2015 Indonesia was hit by a disastrous haze event caused by extensive peatland fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan. In response, the Indonesian government launched a national Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) with an ambitious target of restoring over 2 million hectares of peatlands by 2020. Success will depend on a proper understanding of the functioning of peatlands. A new policy brief by Wetlands International and Tropenbos International calls for a thorough science-based approach, instead of some of the currently widely applied policies and management models, which have insufficiently considered the issue of peatland subsidence.