
Biodiversity in disturbed ecosystems


Authors: Hoeven, C.A. van der, Iongh, H.H. de, Nijman, V. and Balen, B.

Indonesia - 2000

ISSN: 1566-211X

Language: English


A literature review of the use of fauna indicators for the assessment and monitoring of the levels of human disturbance in Bornean tropical lowland forests

The present report covers a literature review of research on fauna indicators in Bornean lowland rainforests. The study concludes that, of the categories of keystone species, threatened species, guild and taxonomic groups, the guilds qualify best as potential indicators for human disturbance in the forest. Of the guilds, the avian guilds are considered to be the most useful, as there are extensive databases on birds; they are easy to observe and they can be identified by their vocalisation. Of the avaian guilds, understory insectivorous birds seem to be most consistent in predicting disturbance in Bornean forests, but more research is needed to confirm the consistency of this finding.

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