
Mapping and Marking of Social Forestry Potential Area in West Kalimantan, Indonesia


Authors: Atiek Widayati, Kasuma Wijaya dan Edi Purwanto

Indonesia - 2018

Language: Bahasa Indonesia


Tropenbos Indonesia formulated a review on “Mapping and Marking of Social Forestry Potential Area in West Kalimantan” aimed to give input related to potential areas for Social Forestry Scheme in West Kalimantan. Resulted map from this study is expected to become input and material for revision of Indicative Map of Social Forestry Potential Area (PIAPS) in West Kalimantan and become input for MoEF and CSO/NGO in various levels of implementation and acceleration of Social Forestry program. 

Indicative Map of Social Forestry Potential Area in West Kalimantan can be downloaded here

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