
Non-timber forest products of East Kalimantan; potentials for sustainable forest use


Authors: Valkenburg, J.L.C.H. van

Indonesia - 1997

ISBN: 90-5113-039-0

ISSN: 1383-6811

Language: English

It has been widely acknowledged that extraction of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) may play an important role in the conservation and sustainable management of tropical rain forests. In the framework of the International MOF-Tropenbos Kalimantan project, a PhD study focusing on this subject was conducted. In seven chapters, this book presents an overview of the economic and ecological potential of NTFPs in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Special attention is given to the potential of rattan and indigenous fruit trees as major NTFPs. It gives detailed data on forest vegetation structure and species composition in selected sites, and the role of NTFPs in these sites. The effects of human interference on species composition and abundance of NTFPs in primary and logged-over forests are discussed. Historical and present-day trade of the resource on local, as well as international level is described. On the basis of an economic analysis, various land-use systems incorporating NTFPs are proposed. The book is a good reference for future forest management and research on NTFPs. It is illustrated with botanical line drawings of the principal fruit and rattan species, as well as with colour photos of lesser-known fruit species with market potential.

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