
Tenurial Problems in Protection Forest and Grand Forest Park Area


Authors: Dr. Edi Purwanto

Indonesia - 2020

Language: Indonesia


This book is trying to photograph the current problems in Protection Forest (Hutan Lindung – HL) and Grand Forest Park (Taman Hutan Raya – Tahura) by presenting 8 case studies (4 HL and 4 Tahura) which analyzed using Wakjira et al 2013 modified framework, these tenurial dynamics were analyzed by : policy and governance, access and property right, market, and population pressure. This panel aims to reveal and describe the patern of local institution and tenurial practice developed in HL and TAHURA area, also the influenced factors in the level of national, province, district/city, and local with the multiform of collaboration initiative caused in accessing the forest resources.

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