PublicationSome ten years after the first non-timber forest product (NTFP) research at Tropenbos commenced, a seminar was organised to discuss progress made so far with the Tropenbos researchers from the various sites, scientists, institutes, and NGOs. Besides field research during these years, desk studies were undertaken at the Tropenbos Head Office in Wageningen in order to streamline the various projects. Participants agreed that, although NTFPs are important to forest-dependent communities, to elevate their use to commercial levels in order to offer a solution to deforestation is not realistic. Over-exploitation is often the result, whilst local people barely reap the benefits from commercial extraction. It remains important, however, to include participatory and community-based forest management in further research on the sustainable extraction of NTFPs. The Proceedings include the presentations based on research results of the international participants, perspectives for future research, an overview of the posters presented and a list of NTFP-related Tropenbos publications. The Proceedings were published with support from FAO and edited by Mirjam A.F. Ros-Tonen, former NTFP officer at the Tropenbos Head Office