02 August 2024 Indonesia
Forest and biodiversity crisis, climate crisis, social crisis, economic crisis, and many other crises are current realities which are difficult to tackle, not because people are not creative enough, but because of the formal education system often lack insights of local wisdoms. That was mentioned by Cora van Oosten, from the capacity development and education division of CIFOR ICRAF, in the wrap-up session of the youth workshop organized by Tropenbos International (TBI) in collaboration with NTFP Asia in Jakarta, 24 July 2024. Cora was one of the resource persons in the panel discussion attended by around 30 youth coming from Asian countries’ landscapes of VietNam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. The youth had just attended youth camp YEEHA (Youth Engagement and Empowerment Hive in Asia) in Palu, 17-23 July 2024.
30 July 2024 Indonesia
Around 50 youth from various landscapes in Asia, such as from the Philippines, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Indonesia, gathered in Palu, Central Sulawesi, to take part in a youth camp entitled "Youth Engagement and Empowerment Hive in Asia" (YEEHA) on July 17-23, 2024. The 3rd annual event which is held regularly by NTFP Asia, for this year is held together with Tropenbos International (TBI). Eight youth representing Tropenbos landscapes in Asia participated in the youth camp – 3 from the Forest Foundation Philippines, 2 from Tropenbos Vietnam, and 3 from Tropenbos Indonesia. TBI supports this event within the framework of the youth led project "Youth it Lose it" which has been implemented in the Amazon, Africa and is now being replicated in Asia.
12 June 2024 Indonesia
The rapid development of digital technology has made cyberspace a limitless realm open to exploration. The internet and social media become major alternatives for accessing and sharing information. This is also a new platform for ordinary people outside the journalism profession to share various information like professional journalists with the news they produce. The opportunity to become a citizen journalist is wide open to anyone, including young people.
21 April 2024 Indonesia
PT Kayung Agro Lestari (PT KAL) is a large oil palm plantation company in Ketapang District which has been Tropenbos Indonesia (TI)'s partner in forest conservation since 2016. Since 2018, PT KAL together with stakeholders in West Kalimantan Province and Ketapang District, have collaborated with TI to prepare an Essential Ecosystem Area (KEE) Management Plan for the Sungai Putri-Gunung Tarak-Gunung Palung Landscape, Ketapang District. In this KEE, PT KAL allocated a High Conservation Value/HCV area of 3,688 ha or 29% of the total KEE (12,918 ha) and this KEE has been approved by Governor Regulation no. 718/2017 (https://bit.ly/49LNnzB). Through a long process, the KEE Management Plan document was finally approved by the Governor of West Kalimantan Province, Mr. Sutarmadji, SH., M.Hum, on August 15 2023.
01 December 2023 Indonesia
Tropenbos Indonesia continues the efforts to prevent forest and land fires on peatlands in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan. In collaboration with UPT KPH Ketapang Selatan (Forest Management Unit of South Ketapang Region), Tropenbos Indonesia organised a training on ‘Peatland Monitoring System’, on Monday to Wednesday, 27-29 November 2023. The training aims to improve the understanding on the importance of a multi-stakeholder-based peatland monitoring system as well as to capacitate the participants on the hands-on of implementing peatland monitoring system. The training consist of theory and classroom sessions, held in Borneo Ketapang Hotel, and field practice, conducted in Sungai Besar Village Forest.
26 November 2023 Indonesia
In collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands, Tropenbos Indonesia (TI) and Tropenbos International (TBI) organized a workshop entitled “Scaling Agroforestry in Indonesia” in Jakarta, on 23rd November 2023. The workshop was organized in hybrid mode with more than 100 participants attending offline and online. They come from various backgrounds such as from the government agencies, NGOs/CSOs, private sector, and university and research organizations. Giving the opening speech was Joost van Uum, the Agriculture Counsellor of the Embassy of the Netherlands, Edi Purwanto, the Director of Tropenbos Indonesia and Joost van Montfort, the Director of Tropenbos International, while the keynote speech was given by the Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership (PSKL) Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia, Bambang Supriyanto.